
The R10KEval Parser

The R10KEval Parser (R10KEval) uses the same parsing logic as the R10K Parser. In the future other parsers may be added, such as a Ruby AST based parser.

Using the parser

# Parse the Puppetfile into an object model
content =[:path], 'rb') { |f| }
require 'puppetfile-resolver/puppetfile/parser/r10k_eval'
puppetfile = ::PuppetfileResolver::Puppetfile::Parser::R10KEval.parse(content)

Firstly require the r10k_eval parser. Note that the Puppetfile Resolver does not automatically require any parsers and is left the user the choose the best parser. Once required, call the parse method with a string of the content.

Magic comments

Sometimes it necessary to instruct the Resolver to ignore certain rules, for example ignoring the Puppet restrictions on a module because it has old metadata. The R10KEval Parser can read ruby comments which have special meanings, similar to how rubocop uses magic comments.

The R10KEval Parser uses the magic comment of # resolver:disable to disable tasks. For example;

You can set a comment for one module like this:

mod 'puppetlabs-stdlib', :latest # resolver:disable Dependency/All

or for many modules by wrapping the modules like this:

# resolver:disable Dependency/All
mod 'puppetlabs-stdlib', :latest
mod 'puppetlabs-apache', '1.0.0'
# resolver:ensable Dependency/All

You can also set multiple items by using a comma like this:

mod 'puppetlabs-stdlib', :latest # resolver:disable Dependency/All,Dependency/Puppet

Note there is no space between items.

The available settings are:

Setting Name Description
Dependency/Puppet Instructs the resolver to ignore any Puppet version in its dependency traversal for the specified modules. Useful for modules with outdated metadata.json information
Dependency/All Instructs the resolver to ignore any, and all, dependencies in its dependency traversal of the specified module. Useful for modules with outdated metadata.json information.
Validation/LatestVersion Instructs the resolution validator to ignore modules that have a version of :latest